Wednesday, August 22, 2012


August 31 2011 I thought for sure was the worst day of my life. I KNEW I was going to die. I glimpsed at hell and scratched my way back to reality.

August 11 2012
I had a plan. pills from Walgreen's.
The old gun in the upstairs closet.
Didn't know how it works. I'm bright, I'd figure it out.
Gun powder?
Where do you get that?

Non-stop racing thoughts.
I hate you.
My boys!
What about them?
My grandchildren, I'll never know.
I hate you
over and over.
who will he marry next?
I hate myself

Faces pull me back
My boys
Maggie, again?
in my green bag in the van.
Tucker, only a dog.

I can't do school
only 4 days left
Josh kid - his eyes
he scares me
Does mom realize?
May graduation
his dad?
A fireman - to easy
he loathes me!
always on my mind
What will Josh do next year?

Stefan, a kid nothing special
Reading, writing and math.
His mom, high hopes
Does his dad care.
Is he like his dad?

Larry husband beloved
Marsha a friend in a confined space
but there's Joey
or is he Jose?
maybe Val
not my brothers,
especially Tom.
Maybe Kevin the baby.
Mr. P
Should be a Therapist,
Not KH

20 min
The rocky road to sanity.